Helping Yourself Heal


When stress, change, depression, loss, illness and pain occur it is important to recognize what's happening and deal with it. The following are some ways to handle stress. The more you understand how your body/mind connection works, the more effective you will become at facilitating your healing.

• Take an inventory of what you do with your time. Make sure that there is balance in your activities.

• Take a deep breath, settle your body, and meditate.

• Create a "sacred space" where you can be mindful without distraction. Allow yourself to visualize wholeness. In             that space, take some time each day to say daily affirmations and to read positive and uplifting information.

• Get outside and expand your soul by spending some time in nature.

• If you can't get out, take nature walks in virtual reality by mentally visiting the inside of a picture or listening to a meditation tape.

• Recognize others as people with problems of their own and obstacles to overcome, and give them the benefit of the doubt.

• Share your stress. Talk with someone about your worries, perhaps a friend, minister, counselor or a support group.

• Take care of yourself and pamper yourself.

• Make time for fun and incorporate humor into your life.

• Know your limits. Learn to accept what is - for now - until such time when you can change it.

• Don't isolate yourself, be a participant in any way you are able.

• It's OKAY. to cry.

• Avoid self-medication.

• Learn what causes you stress and how it effects your body and health.